Tuesday 29 November 2011

The right to breastfeed and hospital overnight stays

A planned trip to hospital this week was postponed after it became apparent that it would result in at least one overnight stay without being allowed to have Edward with me overnight. 

Although this should not have been a problem, my husband is more than capable of a night alone with my son. Edward has recently decided that breast milk should only come from one source and it is not a bottle! 

This lead me to question what, if any, right do you have to have your child in hospital overnight with you if your solely breastfeeding? 

Although the right to breastfeed in public is protected under the provision of goods, services and facilities section of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975.  There seems to be nothing that gives a mother the right to have her child in hospital overnight if her child is still being breastfeed.  Although I suspect that individual hospitals may have their own policies on the matter there is very little on the subject available on the internet. 

I have asked various Doctors, other mums, nurses and midwives whether they think there is a right to have your child with you if you are required to stay in hospital.  Without exception they have all agreed that there should be a right but are unsure what that should be. 

Perhaps it would fall under the remit of Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights but that is only a qualified right and not an absolute right. 

I am lucky; my operation can wait for another day.  However, other mothers may not be so lucky. 

I would welcome your thoughts, comments or suggestions…

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