Sunday 18 September 2011

Nappies: Disposable or reusable

Whilst I was pregnant I put some serious research into whether or not to go down the re usable nappy route. 

It quickly became apparent that the advantages of using reusable nappies were that:
·      It saved me money
·      It was kinder to the environment
·      It was kinder to the baby
However, the perceived disadvantages were:
·      It was a pain to wash the nappies
·      That the frequent washing nappies could also impact on the environment 
·      That the initial cost output was high

I found an excellent discussion about the advantages of using reusable nappies on Twinkle Twinkle’s website

I would like to say it was saving the environment that did it for me but I am afraid to say the decision came down to how much money we would save.

My research showed that using reusable nappies was likely to save me as much as £500 (and that’s per baby, if we are lucky enough to have a second baby the savings are even greater). 

A packet of 54 organic cotton Huggies costs £7.49.  Based on a baby needing roughly 6 to 8 nappies a day; a packet of 54 nappies would last a week. 

If I bought the suggested 24 nappies needed plus 20 wraps (5 of each available size) that was a cost of £285 which should last me until Edward starts potty training.  That would only buy me 38 packets of Huggies (lasting only 38 weeks of nappies). 

With that decision made the next was what type of reusable nappy to go for… 

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