Monday 5 March 2012

Amber Teething Necklaces - Do they really work?

When my son’s French Godmother recommended that I buy Edward an amber necklace I was dubious to say the least. 

Nearly 8 months on and my initial skepticism has gone out the window.   Edward has now got two teeth on the bottom gum with a further two coming in from above.  We have not had a whimper from him.  I took the necklace off for a week to see if it was just Edward not reacting to his teething at all but hastily had to put the necklace back on!

More popular on the continent, amber teething necklaces are certainly becoming more popular over here.   Amber has natural anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties, which when worn next to the skin helps babies combat their teething pain.

If you are thinking of going down this route the biggest tip I have is put it on your baby as soon as possible.  I put it on Edward when he was 3 months old.  That way they do not notice it and do not pull at it.  I never take it off him, even when he goes to sleep or has his bath. 

The only drawback I have found is that is does not look very masculine!

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